Esconek Stock Chart Analysis

 The stock price of Esconek broke the low point of 1,083 won, which should not be broken. 

It was a company that showed a beautiful rise before the fall. 

I don't know how did this happen?

Look at the yellow box above MLB중계

This is a company that was beautifully riding on the yellow box until last year. 

He broke the low of 1,886 won, which he had to keep, and tried to rebound the trend, but failed, broke the 1,360 won, and broke the last low of 1,083 won. 

What's strange is that last year's growth was 믈브중계 good and this year's is bad? Has it changed that much in a year?

Now, the liquor is in the blue box. 

It is expected to move between 627-1083 won for the time being, and the most important point is when to break this box ticket. 

If you break the KRW 1083 and go up, the high points, which were important support lines when coming down, act as resistance lines again. 

Rather than a strong rise immediately, there is a high possibility that there will be a cascading rise that breaks these highs one by one. 

If you continue to check your company's financial position and can last for a long time, it may rise again cascade over time. 

It will take some time, but you can go to the 광명셔츠룸 price if you give it butter. That's what I'm saying. 

I'll write down the high points that need to be passed. 

It's 1083 won/1360 won/1886 won. I pray that a beautiful rise will come out and many people will be able to escape.


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